Great article. Well thought out. I agree Tech alignment is what is needed from the Rs but I also think the demographic data you presented is actually quite alarming for the Ds. Young people are most susceptible to the culture war, which is currently dominated by Ds due mostly to BLM/equality etc. POC are increasingly moving closer to center (as your data shows) and without their actual support the culture war starts to look a bit like white saviorism and I think long term has a negative effect on the Ds. Kids are going to want free speech, and when their fav comedian gets “cancelled” from their very own “culture”, more independent thinkers will prevail. I think this draws both sides closer to center and the far left and right become seen for what they are

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Thank you for the kind words! I agree it's possible that the Ds could overplay their culture war advantage in the coming years, and I'm definitely hoping that independent thinkers prevail, regardless of political affiliation. My thing is if the Rs want to retain these voters, they need to be more than just the other side of the culture war. Anti-woke + minimal policy isn't going to cut it. Anti-woke + substantive policy is the way to go. And for the Ds, the opposite would be true, and they should go woke + substantive policy. That would be the best outcome for the country - 2 parties with a clear vision for the future which we can then choose from, instead of the Biden/Trump mess we have right now.

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