In April of my senior year of college, I wrote Burn The Boats. Basically, it was my declaration that I was dropping the “safe” route I had planned for my life in order to pursue a career in crypto, which was my passion.
That crypto shit didn’t work out. I was almost never able to get an interview, and I didn’t get the job the few times I did. But it hasn’t been all bad. I was able to find gainful employment as a freelance writer. And, thanks to a lot of luck and hard work, I’ve made ~$150,000 each of the last two years.
But, at this point, freelance writing feels a lot like a “safe” career. I’m good at it and I make good money, but it’s not really what I want to be doing. The only reason I would keep doing it is because of the fear of going broke.
That’s obviously not what burning the boats is about.
So, I decided to drop my clients and once more dive unto the breach. In this case, that breach is entrepreneurship.
This is as risky a decision as I’ve ever made. I’m not 23 with zero fucks anymore. I’m 26 with a girlfriend, a dog, bills, an entrepreneurship career that has so far been a huge bust, and basically no employable skills. I was a political science major and my only work experience is writing for niche tech newsletters. If I don’t make it work, I have no idea what I’m going to do.
But, if I don’t do it now, then when? When I’m 30 and have even more responsibilities? This honestly could be my one shot at really making something of myself. I have to do it now.
So, the boats are completely burned this time, and for the first time in my life, I’m genuinely scared. But, I know if I want to go somewhere I’ve never been, I have to do something I’ve never done. So fuck it.